It is a conceptual decorative panel, built with magic cubes in a wooden frame. All magic cubes have only black, white, red, blue and yellow faces, to create words or images easily. All the faces of the cubes are like pixels. To add or change the words or images on the panel, you will need to roll the faces of the magic cube until you have the right color in the right position. Yes, it will be fun, but it is not easy for a beginner. Appreciate!
It’s a conceptual decorative panel, built with magic cubes in a wooden frame. All magic cubes have only Black, White, Red, Blue and Yellow faces, to easily create words or images. All faces of the cubes are like pixels. To add or change the words or images in the panel, you will need roll the magic cubes until you find the right color. Yes, it will be fun, but not easy for a beginner. Enjoy!